This group is virtual, and facilitated by Patty Nelson.
This discussion group is for Enneagram coaches, therapists, spiritual directors, and other professionals who are helping people use the Enneagram as a tool for growth and development. This includes both for those who have been using Enneagram a long time and those who are in the early stages exploring Enneagram work.
Are you looking for a place to talk with fellow Enneagram practitioners about how they are using the Enneagram? Since many Enneagram professionals work alone, this is a unique place for peer support. What are some places you are getting stuck? This is a safe place to ask for advice. What are some best practices you have learned? This is a place to share with others. What are some new discoveries you are wondering about? This is a place to brainstorm and process with others. Let's carve out some space to connect with each other and forge a collaborative Enneagram culture.
Registration is required to receive the Zoom link.
Occurs the 3rd Thursday of each month from 12pm to 1pm central time.
You need to register each time to receive a correct zoom link.
Enneagram Minnesota is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.